Auto title loans work best for emergencies because they have fewer requirements and have a fast application process. You can even get the money you need within the day. An easy bad credit loan Burlington Ontario also has fewer requirements than title loans. One of its main requirements is a car to use as collateral. But you can only use a vehicle that’s working and well-maintained. It’s not worth the hassle to use a damaged car for this loan. Here’s why:
Why a Damaged Car Won’t Work for This Loan
The car’s value is the foundation of an auto finance loan. It determines approval and how much the lending company can risk. Because so much depends on the vehicle, the lender requires an inspection of the collateral. The inspector will consider several factors. Most will look at details like the vehicle’s mileage, make, and model. They’ll also check the car’s inner systems to assess if the engine, brakes, and other components are working well. The tires and the state of the vehicle’s interior and exterior are assessed as well.
Your car should be in good working condition before it’s deemed fit to be collateral. It’s why a car that has extensive damage isn’t good security. Even if a mechanic can fix and restore it, its value is already compromised.
The Number One in the Industry
Get the financial aid you need with Canada Car Cash. We’re one of the country’s trusted lenders. We can offer more money than other companies. Our interest rates are 70% lower and we also have affordable monthly payments. You can get approved in less than an hour. Log on to our website or call our toll-free number at 1-844-598-7631.
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