When you’re in the midst of a financial crisis, the right kind of loan becomes even more critical to avoid more problems down the line. For those facing a medical emergency or a sudden and unexpected expense, using your car equity Edmonton Alberta to secure a loan is better than applying for a bank loan. Here’s why:
5 Advantages of Getting an Auto Title Loan
- Better Chances of Getting Fast Cash: You’re almost certain to get money immediately with a title loan. This secured loan only requires that the applicant has a car that can be used as collateral, is an adult, and have the means to pay back the loan.
- Faster Processing Times: You can be done with the application process in an hour or less. Approval can be secured in the same amount of time, and the funds can be released within 24 hours.
- No Vehicle Confiscation: Unlike when you pawn a valuable, bad credit auto loans leave the collateral with the borrower. The only thing the lender needs is your car’s title. You can still use your car even while the loan is active.
- No Credit Score or Guarantor Required: You can apply for this secured loan regardless of your credit rating, whereas banks require a score or better. You also don’t need to have a co-signer or co-borrower.
- Convenient Payment Plans: Lending companies offer several payment options, like auto-debit, salary deduction, thru checks, or over the counter. Choose one that’s most convenient for you.
Lowest Interest Rates You Can Find
Get the loan you need with Canada Car Cash. This title loan specialist offers more money than other lenders. Their interest rates are also 70% lower than others. Their fast approval process ensures you can get the money you require within the day. Sign up at their website or call their toll-free number at 1-844-598-7631.
For more information, visit us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Canada-Car-Cash-890709784390653/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Canadacarcash