People who need extra money have several avenues available to them, like a bank loan or getting another job. Most of these options take time and a lot of effort, which you might not have if you’re facing an emergency. In this case, a title loan is the best solution. Here’s how you can get this fast loan Ajax Ontario in just three steps.
How to Apply for an Auto Title Loan
- Get in touch with a reliable lending company. A simple Google search will give you the names and addresses of thousands of lenders. Review what they have to offer before reaching out. Legitimate companies will have a loan specialist who can answer your questions and advise you on what you need.
- Fill up a form. You can apply for a title loan online or by going to the lender’s office. You’ll be asked for details about the loan amount you need and information about your car. Be ready to submit copies of your valid IDs, your car’s title, proof of residence, payslips, or proof of employment.
- Wait for approval and cash release. Car equity lending companies are renowned for their fast application process. The presence of collateral makes things faster. You can get approved in about two hours and your loan can be released in as little as four hours.
Get You More Money than the Competition
Applying for a loan is fast and hassle-free with Canada Car Cash. The company specializes in title loans and can offer you more money than other lenders. Their interest rates are 70% lower than other companies and they also offer extended loan terms. You don’t even have to worry about credit checks or employment requirements. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-844-598-7631.
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