Bad credit will never matter if you’re applying for collateral quick cash loans. This is because all you need to be approved for the loan in one hour is a fully owned and fully paid car and a lien free car title.
The car’s true market value
The car is inspected and appraised for its real market value that is the basis on how much you really need to borrow. The loan amount can be as much as $100,000. Collateral car title loans are approved in just one hour and you get the cash on the same day as the approval. You only need a valid driver’s license and proof of permanent residence.
Low interest rates and longer payment terms
No credit check title loans carry the lowest interest rates when compared with other unsecured bank loans and short term loans and the lowest in the lending industry. Repayment terms are also the longest and most flexible that can ever be offered. No early payment penalties will be charged if the loan is paid off early before the end of the loan term.
Approval in one hour
You get approved in just one hour and get to drive off with your car and money. You continue using your car while paying off the loan. No credit checks are done to have the loan approved because credit ratings have no bearing on the loan approval.
Car title loans or sometimes called equity loans is the only service offered by Canada Car Cash. This means that Canada Car Cash can loan more money with less requirements. We can help you by calling us now or getting in touch online. We can give you an estimate of what you really qualify for. Call us at 1-844-598-7631.