Your credit score and credit history will not affect your chances of getting a loan approval if you choose to apply for a car title loan through equity loans Saint John NB. This is because your maximum loanable amount of up to $100,000 will depend entirely on your vehicle’s true market value.
With car title loans, only the factors that pertain to your vehicle, such as its year, make, model, mileage, and engine condition, will determine how much you will be able to borrow regardless of your credit score and credit history.
You will not need to surrender your vehicle upon the approval of your car title loan in order to get the money you need. This makes it possible for you get the funds that you need while, at the same time, being able to retain your vehicle and your mobility. And, because your credit score and credit history will not affect your eligibility for a loan approval, applying for a car title loan is much more convenient than applying for a traditional bank loan, especially if you have been trouble getting a loan approval because of your current financial situation.
By applying for a car title loan through Canada Car Cash, You’ll be able to borrow up to $100,000 within only one hour subsequent to your loan application regardless of your credit score and credit history. Get approved for a car title loan today by calling us at our toll-free number 1-844-598-7631 or by logging on to our website and applying for a car title loan online.