Looking for extra cash when there’s an emergency is stressful. That goes double for people with a bad credit score or who are currently unemployed. If you’re lucky enough to have your own vehicle then you can apply for a special financing auto loan Saskatoon Saskatchewan. However, you need to put up collateral and the lender will need to inspect your vehicle. But what if you can’t show your car personally to the company?
Yes, you can with the right lending company. Typically you have to bring your car to the lender’s office so they can evaluate it. Remember that the amount of your car loan will depend on your collateral and the equity you have.
However, there are lending companies that are willing to assess your vehicle through photos or videos. These companies understand that you might not be able to drive over to present your vehicle. While title lenders might have several branches, you might still be too far from their office. If that’s the case, you can send in several pictures of your car. The shots should be taken outside during the daytime or in a room with bright. The photos should be from different angles. Some companies might prefer that you send videos of the vehicle turned on and running instead.
You can get the loan you need with Canada Car Cash. The company specializes in title loans and offers a percentage of your vehicle’s value. They offer loan terms up to seven years and interest rates that are 70% lower than their competitors. Their easy application process and quick approvals mean you can get instant cash. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-844-598-7631.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Canada-Car-Cash-890709784390653/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Canadacarcash