Don’t Know Which Debt to Pay First? You Can Solve That Dilemma with a Car Pawn Loan Nanaimo British Columbia

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Having multiple debts is a logistics nightmare. You’ll have to pay off the balances every month, and depending on your budget, you might only be able to afford the bare minimum. You could end up being in debt for years. Fortunately, there is a way out by using a car pawn loan Nanaimo British Columbia.

Which Debt Should You Pay First?

Finance experts have come up with two ways to choose which debt to focus on first. The Debt Avalanche method will have you choosing to loan with the highest interest rate to secure maximum savings. Meanwhile, the Snowball method is the opposite. You’ll pay off the loan with the smallest rate first. Once that’s done, you choose the next smallest until it snowballs and you pay off everything.

A better option is to use your car to get a loan. You then use the money secured to consolidate your loans. This will leave you with only one debt to pay and one monthly payment to think about. A title loan also comes with a fixed monthly payment and loan period. You’ll know exactly how much you need to set aside and for how long. 

Faster Than the Competition

Need money fast? You can get what you need with Canada Car Cash. The company specializes in title loans and can offer you more money than other lenders. Their interest rates are 70% lower and they also have affordable monthly payments. Their fast application process means you can get approved in less than an hour. You can receive the funds you need within 24 hours and keep your car even while the loan is active. Log on to their website to apply or call their toll-free number at 1-81-844-598-7631.

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